
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
Kinda funny, my brother was very conservative before joining the Marine Corps. Two tours in Iraq later, he became much less conswrvative and much more aware of how bad our country sucks. Nowadays, he is a full-blown ally to queer people, massively involved in his local community, etc.
Out of curiosity did he join after 9/11 but prior to the invasion of Iraq? I've always felt terrible about those who joined in response to 9/11 but ultimately ended up being sent to Iraq.
That is exactly what happened. He was in delayed entry almost immediately after 9/11 (he was 16 or 17 when that happened). He got his Eagle, Globe, and Ancor in 2003 and was shipped to Fallujah in 04 and 05
His recruiters told him he absolutely would be going to fight the Taliban and Al-Queda
I absolutely despise that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld not only suffered zero consequences for the extraordinary rendition program and torture of detainees but that we did nothing about knowingly lying their way into an unjust war that killed so many...
Same!! It boils my blood every time there is some glowing piece about Bush and capital D Dems, who once basically compared him to Hitler, sing his praises