From artfully casual to intricately planned and executed, the 🌱flower beds at #RHS Hampton Court #flowershow were a joy and a revelation.
#GardeningFeed 🌱
The RHS Hampton Court flower show included massive displays of roses!
The RHS Hampton Court flower show included massive displays of roses!
Morning glories on the staircase
Roses in El Retiro Madrid
People don't wanna hear it but this probably moves more voters than millions of dollars of Joe Biden ads
Would not have expected this well-reasoned rant from the smug, front-running sports shouter Colin Cowherd but right is right.
#StSwithins Rose is having its best year yet! #climbingrose
Not just a plant. A paste that he MADE using a plant. "A Sumatran orangutan in Indonesia has self-medicated using a paste made from plants to heal a large wound on his cheek. After researchers saw Rakus applying the plant poultice to his face, the wound closed up and healed in a month."
Just browsing the very normal US National Map
Ode to my mentor Bobbie Joe “There’s been an accident”, they said; “your postdoc’s cut in half- he’s dead!” “Indeed”, he said at first, but later, “Send me the half that has the data.”
End of feed.