
I find it very amusing when the worst people are like “Its Just Biological men cant control not being cheaters/pressuring women for sex” when the medieval view was generally “unlike men, women are super horny and will absolutely bang the scarecrow if left unattended”
Every so often I read a thing about how medieval folks viewed sex as a reproductive act and yeah for male/female pairings it was more often than not. Because contraception amounted to tying a weasel’s testicles in goose skin.
Whole swathes of their gender relations, good and ill, are based around this idea! One of the handful of reasons a woman could get a civil divorce was impotence, and it wasn't just about children- it was considered a man's duty to please his wife (so she wouldn't go seeking satisfaction elsewhere).
Oh thats interesting, anything particular you could recommend to read up on that
I recall reading it in a book, but I can't remember which one- however, this method of divorce required "impotence trials" and those are widely written about because they're, uh, spicy. Men had to perform in front of an audience.
Trial by impotence: When men had to copulate in front of a jury or be served divorce From the late 1400s to the 1700s, French women who wanted a divorce could send their husband to a humiliating public trial
Wait, I do remember where it comes up at least once- "The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women" by Rosalie Gilbert, which also has a TON of general information on sex in the middle ages and all the unique cultural weirdness surrounding it.
ahh thanks a ton, i def prefer book/academic paper so this is great