
At the end of the day the lack of ppl "going on the record" (for fear of career repercussions) is the thing that kills a lot of journalism momentum and keeps a lot of harmful entities in most industries (not just gaming, but especially gaming due to its incestuous nature) idk how I feel about it
Why journalists can't always tell you what they know
I mean, besides "bad". It definitely feels bad lol
I'm not sure how to feel about it either. Obviously the laws in place wrt libel do make it harder to push slimy people - but the article mentions People Make Games, who have worked super duper extra hard to write exposés while working around the UK's even more insane libel laws
*harder to oust - idk why my phone keeps autocorrecting "oust" to "push"
Using journalism as a means of justice has always been super flawed in this way of bringing harassment to the victims that do come forwards, and it sucks and I hate that