Becca Von Hattifnatt

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Becca Von Hattifnatt

Freelance book editor, sometime actor/cabaret. Fake name but real face. #ChronicIllness #Publishing #Cats #Languages #ComicSongs
Calling Discovery+ to cancel my subscription. They might point out that I don't actually subscribe to them but I'm taking no chances of even accidentally watching this.
Filming has started for a reality TV show focused on former Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg. Rees-Mogg has been filming a fly-on-the-wall documentary with the production company Optomen throughout the election. It is expected to stream on Discovery+. 🙄
Filming Starts On Jacob Rees Mogg Reality TV Filming has started for a reality TV show focused on former Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Tous les gens qu'on a détestés cette semaine à la télé, ceux dont on s'est moqués parce qu'ils n'arrivaient qu'à begayer des demi-phrases racistes sur les plateaux, ces gens-là sont aux portes du pouvoir et vont voter en masse demain. Chaque voix va compter si on ne veut pas que ça arrive.
Remember remember The fourfth of Julember
It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
The Morten Group at Oxford have a funding delay with a Chronic Lyme, ME/CFS PhD project. They need £70K to cover the 1st year costs to start on time. If you have a few £/$ to spare, please use the "Understanding the Causes of MECFS" link on this page. #NEISvoid #MECFS
Understanding the causes of ME/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition affecting 20 million people worldwide, but it remains a puzzle to both the medical profession and patients.
Just when I think the quality of Star Trek TNG is improving, we get a sex ghost and a poor actress who has to fling herself around the room being aroused by him. Also, I think he might be the creepy englishman from 3 men and a little lady so all in all gross.
If you are still in The Other Place: If you are not, I may do my best to try and replicate threads here, but the conversations themselves are sometimes what's important.
More costs added to the ‘eat out to help out’ scheme as documents finally released about the £2 million spent on focus groups to try and get public to support an idea for which no scientists were consulted and almost certainly accelerated a second wave 😡🧪
Rishi Sunak spent £2m on focus groups for ‘eat out to help out’ Exclusive: Extensive polling ordered by the then chancellor, documents reveal, but scientific advisers not consulted
It’s today! #neisvoid
Hello #NEISvoid, I am finally getting my first Shingrix vaccine tomorrow, but I am nervous as I have a history of vaccines giving me shingles… (happened 3 times and the 3rd time the shingles segued seamlessly into #MECFS). Any tips for dealing with side effects, etc? I will be taking lysine.
Hello #NEISvoid, I am finally getting my first Shingrix vaccine tomorrow, but I am nervous as I have a history of vaccines giving me shingles… (happened 3 times and the 3rd time the shingles segued seamlessly into #MECFS). Any tips for dealing with side effects, etc? I will be taking lysine.
Listening to the radio and have an announcement to make: YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CALL IT THE UNION JACK. Thank you.
Spotted in Macclesfield this morning, Constable Downspout. #AnkhMorpork
Sensational Times apology
✅ LDN + imunovir giving me energy ✅ Sun shining ✅ Local cafe gave us free brownies ✅ Met many dogs 🟰EXCELLENT day
I could use some advice, #disability #NEISvoid pals: I’ll have family visiting soon and am considering a masked outing to the zoo w my littlest sister, age 10. Fun, but too much milling about for me with my #EDS/ #POTS/ chronic venous insufficiency… Unless I borrow a wheelchair. The thing: 1/
Join our free online talk today: Manuscripts with Chaucer’s pilgrims 🕟 4.30–5.30pm (GMT) Experience pilgrimages, both real and imagined, through discussion and sharing of medieval manuscripts from the Bodleian collection live under the visualiser!
‘The hooly blisful martir for to seke’: Manuscripts with Chaucer’s 25 March 2024: Discover more about Thomas Becket and Canterbury, the destination of Chaucer’s pilgrims, through treasures from the Bodleian’s collections
Mountain bluebird 🪶 He landed on the marker while I was driving, and I ground to a halt and crept forward at 1mph begging him not to move. 📷
Hi #neisvoid Has anyone with iron/ferritin issues tried iron patches? Do they work? Are there any side effects/contraindications that a very chronically ill person should be aware of?
"In 2020, we heard that the pandemic’s silver lining would be all the inequalities it had highlighted; at the dawn of 2024, it’s clear those inequalities are just as entrenched, or worse, than before." The Long Haul, by #LongCovid
The Long Haul — By Lygia Navarro
Hi #NEISvoid, I’m back again with yet another question. CRP & MCAS. I know there is maybe a correlation there but how high can CRO go due to MCAS alone, as opposed to a bacterial infection? E.g. a CRP of 59.9 strikes me as too high to just be MCAS, right? 😬