
What most ppl mean when they think “trust and safety team” is the equivalent of a discord server mod who is their friend and agrees with their personal politics and whose main job is managing interpersonal relationships w/in their friend community, and when this doesn’t happen the T&S team is “bad”
It’s actually not the site’s job to keep you friend group from imploding or conducting varying levels of social and sexual abuse at each other
"T&S should protect us from our own bad decisions" is a depressingly common opinion on how platforms should work. (Never mind that if T&S intervened in community moderation, it would be a whole host of other problems)
That's mostly an issue of scale IMO (which I think about a lot wrt this site. A lot of people are going to hate it if/when Bluesky grows beyond 50 million users)
I might disagree with the very last part. High degrees of social and sexual abuse are decent use cases for T&S intervention.
The most aggravating thing about doing moderation is people assuming we were keeping close tabs on their drama when 80% of our workday was dealing with truly vile stuff hardly anyone noticed
Famously, HR is not there to protect the employees but is there to protect the company from the employees. Much to think about.
At Twitter we said our job was to protect users first, the platform second, and the company last. I thought it was an interesting way to capture value prioritisation, and it shaped a lot of our decisions and policies.
That’s a really great way of framing it.
All credit to since it’s roughly his language.
One assumes you mean the pre-Musk Twitter... because the current iteration seems to be all about 1) make Elmo look clever; 2) spread hate & disinformation, and 3) - actually, that's pretty much it.
I’m still in awe at the thought that there apparently *isn’t* supposed to be a moderators-only chat, in addition to “Why doesn’t my friend circle have exterior moderation taking action on bad vibes” while *also* feeling like needing to decry external surveillance!
My limited experience in social network moderation has made me really… jaded? Toward folks who slam down the report button because of friend group drama and treat site mods like an external adjucation system. Sorry kids! You’re on your own!
They’re not licensed therapists? Wtf?