
seems like folks are, again, having the "but his body of work is so good" conversation. here are two essays i read when academia had this conversation, yet again. the first is a searing piece in eidolon by sarah scullin.
Making a Content Note: this article includes discussion of child pornography, quotes from illegal online activity, and links to articles that…
i don't think there's an easy answer to the question of "what do we do with his work?" you can not use it. e.g.: i'll remove gaiman from my syllabi. but we can also acknowledge his work may have been formative for lots of folks and that readers make their own meaning. readers including survivors.
i think the harder question, and the one we never seem to care enough about in academia is: how do we make our spaces safer? if famous scholar has a lower h-index, that doesn't necessarily make academia safer for survivors, right?
i don't have the answers; i won't pretend to have them, either. but i seriously think the question of "what about his work?" is a distraction, one designed to keep us from doing the much, much harder work of making all our spaces safe from abusers or would-be abusers.
at least i'd say that's true of academia. not saying we *shouldn't* have this conversation of "what to do with his work" - we absolutely should. i just wish so many of our conversations didn't stop there. and i'm hoping the sci-fi/fantasy world's response helps us mount our own responses.
I feel very strongly about this point. If I’m teaching a topic where I can’t avoid the monster, I tell the students that X wrote ABC, is important to history of scholarship. I also tell them about the abuses. Leave it to them to follow up or not. I always tell the stories of abuse. No erasure.
And by “stories,” I mean documented truth, either because of an arrest, a university investigation, or overwhelming testimony of victims. There are a lot of instances of universities quietly getting rid of people without doing anything bc liability. Doesn’t change the fact of their abuse.