Shaily Patel

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Shaily Patel

historian of christianity | scholar of magic | critic of empires | metacriticism fangirl | ND | she/her

posts disappear at irregular intervals.
good advice.
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
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::taps mic:: because teen girls and wine moms have a lot to lose and are some of the most realistically politically engaged people in america.
It’s weird that the last few years have involved having to wrestle with the NYT and CNN being full of shit while People and Teen Vogue of all things are doing their job for them
look at me being peak asian with my rice cupboard. my mom would be so proud.
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Cheerleader and goth bffs
today in breakfast food that’s not breakfast food: paneer makhani.
erik is not cute. that’s all i’m reporting today.
there are machine cobras and i am already in love. teethy things are so cute; i don’t know why, really.
again, i ask, would it be some sisyphean task to standardize numbering systems of ancient texts? or at least have *one* system per text?
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This poem is in the Reform Judaism siddur for the Mourner's Kaddish.
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Please start from a place of trying to be patient with people who are not right-wing assholes, and not expending your energy on those who are. We need each other right now, and we’ll need each other more in the future. We need our energy as well.
i see this is my new ministry, so here we go: if you're on the internet yelling at people who'd have more to lose under a fascist regime than you, please do some soul-searching.
this is a pretty cool find.
In Spartacus news ⚔️, archaeologist Paolo Visona's team in the Dossone della Melia forest in Calabria (S. Italy, across from Messina) have likely found the Roman fossa & agger (ditch and mound) defensive system erected by Crassus' men to stop Spartacus' troops.
News - Wall Built to Contain Spartacus Discovered - Archaeological Institute of AIA News news from the AIA
they’re going to use this to redirect attention from project 2025. the media is going to let them. but we don’t have to play their game.
and the best history is about imagining better futures.
All history is revisionist history.
you know, the short ending of mark's gospel is narratively perfect. like, the first time you watched _the sixth sense_ perfect. (and the other endings are a lot like the rest of m. night's movies.)
i wish more folks understood that demanding purity is authoritarian logic. it's how fascism works: there's a rigid binary, wherein you're either "with us" or not. you're either good or evil. so you must conform to reigning ideology or be demonized, punished, and purged.
required reading for self-professed allies. the whole thread.
Organizations use marginalized folks, and their work, to provide cover for their shitty practices all the time. In some fields, it's almost a condition of employment. For example, in higher education, I had to offer up the "gift" of my Blackness to the institution as a condition of employment.
one day, i would like to schedule a zoom call with one of you senior scholars about how to schedule your projects. my timing's been all off, and it's led to so much burnout and depression and stress. *sigh* how long does it take not to be an amateur at this?
democracy forward put out a "people's guide to project 2025" that distills its major aspirations. might be worth taking to folks who aren't watching politics as closely as we do on here?
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Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
man, you fountain pen folks are the most informative and enthusiastic about the things you love and i’m so in love with all y’all. 💜
aaaaaaand tonight i can’t sleep. damn the cosmos for letting me experience bliss, but only for a moment. i’m gonna drink so much coffee in the morning, cosmos. then i’m going to make you do better!
is there anything better than an extra long night of uninterrupted sleep?
you know, i think apuleius probably could have seduced me too. with or without all those shady love spells he was supposedly cooking up. i get it, pudentilla. the man had flair.
okay, fountain pen folks: what are your favorite notebooks? i'm a midori fan, but i've used and liked both moleskine and lechtthurm but i wonder if there are others designed for fountain pens and/or work better for fountain pens. thoughts?
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New scholarship — Dr. Sundaram explores Hindutva assaults on academic freedom and the litigious journey of the Hindu nationalist group HAF, in Drexel Law Review
An Academic Conference, A Bomb Threat, and a Title VI Complaint: U.S. Hindu Nationalist Groups' Litigious Assault on Academic Freedom - Law