
You can see cool stuff, but if you try to move by walking in place and having your "character" move in the VR world your brain *will* reject the incongruity in a way that will possibly make you vomit, collapse, and potentially even shit and piss yourself if you're really lucky. So yeah, it's okay.
I use twin stick controls and it doesn't bother me much. Then again my main vr game is also a flight sim and I do crazy post stall maneuvers without any motion sickness.
Flight sims are different. People are more likely to just feel the natural fear associated with being in a fast moving aircraft where their perception of speed tells them mistakes are potentially lethal. Space sims that are done well create all kinds of existential terror experiences.
Having a planet start off as a baseball sized object in the distance and become a whole-ass planet in your face ready to splat your ship in the space of about 10 seconds is scary enough through a flatscreen monitor. In VR it actually traumatizes people.
I believe it. I think my maneuvers in a plane would do something similar though.
*Gazes at the Dead Space series balefully*
The most flight-sim I've done in VR is ultrawings 2, and I was totally fine until I tried the helicopter that unlocks late in the game. Hadn't felt ill from VR in years and that got me immediately. Took me about two days before i could handle it. (coming from someone who's fine with gorilla tag)
I love Ultrawings honestly. It's not super realistic but it has enough realism that I'm satisfied. Also it has my favorite WW2 plane in the Komet (I think the game just changes the spelling to Comet?)
Holy shit the gender/species euphoria if you can get passed all that, though. 5/10 tech, needs more development time before I'd invest.
VR-sickness is a totally different beast than motion sickness IME. You can still get over it with a bunch of practice though. Pointing a fan at yourself really helps for some reason.
I love Brianne's expression so much you can really feel the thought taking her maximum brain power
We have flying cars, but we don't trust anyone enough to let them fly one, and we have AI but it sucks balls so we don't let them fly one either. Cancer still exists. We have treatments for almost everything but they will bankrupt you. We have a space station, and we're going to kill it around '30