
Donald Trump is a convicted felon. This is a big deal. And the primary reason he finds himself in this position is that habitually, without apparent conscience or hesitation, he engages in crimes. /1
Trump's lawyers will try to get today’s 34 felony convictions overturned on appeal, and perhaps they will find some defect in the law or error in the trial to get him off -- what his populist backers, were sides reversed, would call a technicality. /2
Let justice be done on appeal, then. But don't overlook the reason Trump is in court in the first place: for decades he has considered himself above the law, entitled to commit a vast array of offenses with impunity. /3
To name but a few examples, he has been willing to commit financial fraud, engage in sexual assault, unlawfully try to overturn an election he lost, and blow off a grand jury’s subpoena for sensitive national security documents. /4
Today, for more or less the first time, the law finally caught up with him. /5, end
Oh so, what, now it’s some kind of CRIME to do lots of crimes
Yet 💀🇺🇸 just accentuates where we are in this mango-makeupped; #stochastic #terrorist-ridden, #gun stuffed country where #jurists are considered "brave" to serve in a basic civic duty.