
We've heard all this song and dance before about a ceasefire in Gaza and the case remains that A.) its almost entirely in Israel's hands, and they can torpedo it at any time; and B.) any ceasefire will only be temporary as their overall goal of "destroying HAMAS" has not changed at all.
Admittedly, even a temporary ceasefire in Gaza would, of course, be helpful to those living there to alleviating suffering. But a permanent ceasefire and end to the war will not happen as long as Israel maintains its current positions and those show essentially NO signs of changing at all.
Also, nothing short of a permanent ceasefire/end to the war won't solve the situation with Hizballah on Israel's northern border. Basically, all chances of stopping any fighting and preventing it from escalating region wide rests with Israel but is also incompatible with its overall goals.
Until the United States actually exerts any meaningful pressure on Israel, any measures to end the fighting and prevent regional escalation will fall short and be fleeting as Israel will continue to push the envelope until they go too far and bite off more than they can chew.
Every time new Gaza ceasefire talk comes up, it gets painted as 'COULD THIS END THE WAR?' and while hope springs eternal, the answer (as long as the United States lets Israel do whatever it wants) remains an emphatic "no" and its just exhausting to have to do over and over again.
This is yet another one of those things where I'd much rather be proven wrong and look like a fool if it means there suddenly is a permanent agreement to end the war and stop the killing, but unfortunately I feel that being the cynic will continue to prove correct. We'll see.