
Breaking news: Maryland Gov. Wes Moore will issue a mass pardon of more than 175,000 marijuana convictions Monday morning, one of the nation’s most sweeping acts of clemency involving a drug now in widespread recreational use.
Maryland governor to pardon 175,000 marijuana convictions in sweeping The blanket pardon by Gov. Wes Moore will forgive decades of low-level marijuana possession charges for about 100,000 people.
I wish this would spread to the south. The whole point of “the war on drugs” was to target minorities. Literally one guy of an off division under the department of treasury started this because of his “hero” complex. He sold the country fear! I highly suggest reading “Chasing the Scream”
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Yup. And at this point keeping folks locked up is also a jobs program (which just gets worse the more you think about it) Something something fiscally conservative
It’s modern day slavery. I was exonerated from false felony charges that never occurred after 8 years in prison. I was charged the day I turned 18… It took 8 years for them to finally let me get DNA testing. Prison is nothing but a money grab! I’ve seen it first hand There is no rehabilitation
100% Even for folks who did what they went in for, the prison industry serves profit not society
Maryjaneland amirite?
Has there been a study on how much taxpayer money governments have wasted in persecuting these people?
Finally some good action!
Hell yeah, fuck Larry Hogan
Future star of the Democratic Party right here. He’ll run for president one day. Go Wes!
Love how they chose a photo just itching to be modified so he's smoking a joint.
You can tell he’s a Democrat!!! Other blue State governors should follow his example!
I don't use cannabis, and can't understand thiss damn fuss about it. People are not forced to smoke it. Pot is dull drug but useful for seniors and people with cronic pains, instead of opioids.
это технологии монгольского ига.
как и Арабов всех сделают кальянной себе как бы(
прикольные эти китайцы
That facepalming Officer on the right cracks Me up 😂👍
a lil sanity and justice Monday morning, woo hoo!