
Former president Donald Trump’s campaign is aiming to announce his running mate by July 15, the first day of the Republican National Convention, according to people familiar with the situation, and internal discussions have largely centered on two finalists as he nears a decision.
Trump running mate decision nears, with Vance, Rubio at center of The campaign is eyeing an announcement by July 15th and internal talks have focused heavily on the two senators.
Oh, also, he led a coup against the United States on January 6, 2021.
He also got convicted on this one felony and then again 33 more times.
Oh, he was found responsible for raping a woman. Oh, and he stole classified documents and gave access to them to people who NEVER had clearance. Oh, and he likely raped a 14 year old, according to the #EpsteinFiles.
So many more important things the media could report about the guy, but instead tell us which 2 republican senators kiss his ass the best, weird.
Can you tell your readers if Trump's running mate has to be a rapist and felon too?
so i guess that one story reading out trump's tweet about Project 2025 is going to be your last word on his campaign's deep ties to a dangerous plot to overthrow American democracy?
Let me guess: It'll be a milquetoast yes-man and the WaPo will be completely uncritical and instead focus on Biden's age.
*Convicted Felon and Rapist Donald Trump
Trump is playing the media everyday with this tease, he throws a ball and media chases it. Trump just plays for the ratings and the dollars, not for you, me, or the country-
He continues to milk this for his and the media falls for his crap every time.!
JFC this is fvcking staggering journalistic irresponsibility
I know that some people will not like this but the truth Trump will be the next president
Can’t wait for the deep dives after he announces Don Jr as his running mate.
if this was biden u would be telling us how indecision is a sign of dementia
Wait, what? What is this? An actual article about Trump? You remembered that the President has an opposition and that his opposition is doing things that are newsworthy? When did that begin? Are you feeling all right? Do you need to lie down? Blink twice if you're being held hostage...
Eight straight years of Trump Trump Trump and as soon as Biden gets the hiccups there's a new star in the sky. Why do I even subscribe.
Ah, who will get the rose? Why don’t you report on Epstein and Project 2025?
So is his running mate going to be racist and fox-anchor lookalike or will it be someone who is racist and self-loathing?