Dave Owen

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Dave Owen


I like Doctor Who, running, Freak Zone music, and the Scottish Green Party, and I love my cat Marvin and my wife Helen.
I once unplugged a juke box from the wall when this came on.
Crazy Nights by Kiss is probably the catchiest song ever written. It might be cheesy, but it's impossible to hear it on the radio and not sing along, and it'll still be your earworm days later
The Double Dickers.
Ruin a children’s television programme by changing one letter. I’ll go first: Bagpiss.
This. I thought I’d affect an air of refinement at the gym by watching my next episode of “I, Claudius” on my iPad at the elliptical trainer, and it was ALL TITS AND ARSES.
I went to the dentist & she had a screen above chair w/Netflix, which suggested Bridgerton & I thought why not check it out and WHY DID NONE OF YOU WARN ME THAT THERE WOULD BE A TEN MINUTE LONG STEAMY & DETAILED SEX SCENE RIGHT AT THE TOP THAT I WOULD HAVE TO WATCH WHILE SHE DRILLED MY TEETH
The man who who has just become my new MP came 20 seconds ahead of me at the same Parkrun last Saturday. I congratulate him on both achievements, and hope he knew he had a Green at his heels.
I’ve had a busy six weeks, so I’m very happy indeed that Scottish Greens have significantly grown our vote across Edinburgh and we’ve come third in several seats. We can’t win in FPTP but this bodes well for Holyrood 2026.
Reposted byAvatar Dave Owen
The path of an autistic activist is fraught with obstacles. This is a perfect example of conflict between “what it literally means” and “what the other person probably meant”. In the end, I neither posted a leaflet nor summed any quantities.
This very much describes my social life in the eighties, at Sheffield Poly.
Poly Woman Really Not Trying To Fuck You: thedailytism.com/poly-woman-r...
Someone should open a tearoom called The Tannin Salon.
Just logged into my Steam account to see if I could. It is OVER TEN YEARS since I last played anything. That is what a miserable bloody sensible life I lead these days.
154 days ago, on 27 January, as I was cycling to Parkrun, I came off at high speed and injured my right knee. All running, including April's London Marathon was off. I've been rehabbing since then, and today, finally completed my journey to Parkrun, where I ran my first continuous 5km since January.
After 28 years here I am now fully Scottish. The evidence is that I just misread “can you trust the polls” as “can you trust the polis”.
This is the best front door I’ve visited in the entire election campaign.
Reposted byAvatar Dave Owen
Doctor Who unimpressed to be canvassed by Reform.
I met a constituent who expertly wasted my time on his doorstep yesterday. Alongside all his whataboutery and false equivalences, he deployed the killer tactic of never letting me speak more than a couple of words in response before he was off again. It felt like canvassing the curious orange.
Went to see "La Chimera" on a whim this evening. I started to zone out badly after ten minutes, but gradually synchronised with the way it was going and came away having loved it. Incongruous non-diegetic use of Kraftwek's "Spacelab" came as a bonus
Supermarket delivery guy just looked in the carton to check my eggs. This prompted me to relate the bit near the beginning of "We Need To Talk About Kevin", where his mum has to eat scrambled eggs full of shells because the other shoppers hate her. He left quite briskly once I'd finished.
Hugely enjoyed Brian Butterfield's "The Call of Now" tonight. I think I prefer it to Alan Partridge - "Stratagem" by it being a bit smaller and more focused. Close though: Liverpool 3, Manchester 2. Brian's karaoke joyously revisits Ronnie Barker as "Nana Moussaka" singing twice-translated lyrics.
I’m on the way home from seeing Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets. The evening included Guy Pratt doing some of Vim’s dialogue from “The Comic Strip Presents: Bad News”. All my culture converges eventually.
I think it's quite satisfying that both Sutekh TV stories take place largely at (the site of) UNIT HQ.
Rereading "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency", and feeding my nostalgic obsession with 1987. It mentions AI, but directly in connection with the Prolog language, in which I was writing my final year degree project at the time.
This morning, as someone a generation younger than me pedalled the assault bike, wafting a reviving draft of cool air over me as I did crunches on the mat, I resisted to the urge to call "Keep it up, punka wallah!"
Today I listened to @gralefrit.bsky.social telling Richard Herring that it’s skilful to choose not to do comedy material about Blake’s Seven in front of people who don’t know it. Hours earlier, in the gym I’d decided not to hiss “Cally, teleport NOW!” into the band that holds the weights on the bar.
I've had a full and varied day, which involved being the meat in the room at a campaign photoshoot, attending two yoga classes with the same instructor, and playing Bach's Prelude in E major on the clavichord, an instrument I'd never even touched before.
My revolutionary and original tactic of limiting how much time I spend climbing tenement staircases each day, and taking a full two days recovery between running sessions seems to have quietened down my injuries. I think I'm going to run 5k tomorrow.
I've just watched the animated "The Celestial Toyroom" (that's part one) and I think it's amazing and delightful. It's the most creative way that vintage Doctor Who assets have ever been used that I can think of. It's feel like Doctor Who finding a new dimension in which to grow. I'm smitten!
Today I listened to @gralefrit.bsky.social telling Richard Herring that it’s skilful to choose not to do comedy material about Blake’s Seven in front of people who don’t know it. Hours earlier, in the gym I’d decided not to hiss “Cally, teleport NOW!” into the band that holds the weights on the bar.
John Stuart Mill, father of liberalism, changed the course of his life around the age of twelve after encountering the published work of Jeremy Bentham. Same here, although it led to me writing bits and pieces for DWM, rather than "On Liberty" or "The Negro Question".