
Protestors shut down a reception for an exhibit at the Newton Free Library shows portraits of displaced Palestinians in the West Bank and the locations where their families once lived in Israel. The incident sparked questions about free speech and the role of libraries in civic discourse.
A photography exhibit about the West Bank ignites tensions in Protestors effectively shut down a reception for the exhibit, sparking questions about free speech and the role of public libraries in civic discourse.
Once again: “If a public library is doing its job, it has something in its collection to offend every single person.” ~ Phylis A. Salak, librarian
All those people who think they’ll be insulated from fascism in their liberal state are delusional.
Everyone nearby owes it to themselves and everyone else to see this show in solidarity.
Where are all those free speech activists? Still taking a breather after writing those op-eds about how we need to do a better job platforming bigots four years ago?
i agree with this person, “Newton resident Doug Hauer organized a silent vigil outside the reception to protest what he saw as a one-sided exhibit. But he said he supported Schiel’s right to free speech. they should not have been shouting &shut down&also they should have had more perspectives too.