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Interacting on the interweb re: writing, books, politics, pop culture, and above all dogs.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
It’s the last, best shot at the project, the apotheosis of everything they’ve worked for since Massive Resistance popped off. If it doesn’t happen now, it’s not going to.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
This is the only good thing anybody has said so far
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
The greatest public service the NYT editorial board can now perform is to resign immediately so they can be replaced by someone with a single brain cell.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
perhaps I missed the recent New York Times editorial calling for Donald Trump to step aside for the good of the country in the wake of his 34 felony convictions. could you share a link here please?
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
This was supposed to be a funny article about AI sucking shit, then I got to the part about surge pricing ice cream when it's hot outside and now I think everyone should take turns throwing bricks through corporate windows.
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Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
the planet is on fire and people can’t afford air conditioning, surely this is the time to come up with a technology nobody asked for and nobody wants then dedicate all the electricity to maintaining it
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
This is untenable.
“In the US, power demand is expected to grow by 40% over the next two decades, compared with just 9% growth over the past 20 years…” “Data centers are the biggest reason for that demand boom…”
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
A super PAC supporting Sen. Ted Cruz’s reelection campaign has received nearly $800,000 in receipts from the company that distributes the Texas Republican’s podcast, an arrangement that is attracting scrutiny from campaign finance experts and Democrats.
Pro-Ted Cruz group draws scrutiny for receiving money from his podcast’s Critics have questioned whether the arrangement runs afoul of a ban on candidates directing money to super PACs that can raise unlimited amounts of money.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
what the Dino nuggets in my microwave see at 3am:
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
So sorry political candidates texting me links, all my money has gone at last to every gofundme and mutual aid for what the government will not pay for.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
The new CEO of The Washington Post and his hand-picked news chief come from a tradition of rough-and-tumble British journalism that plays loose with ethics, compared to U.S. media.
New 'Washington Post' chiefs can’t shake their past in The new CEO of The Washington Post and his hand-picked news chief come from a tradition of rough-and-tumble British journalism that plays loose with ethics, compared to U.S. media.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
That's why worthless pundits like Kristoff keep getting published, to slowly radicalize liberals into frothing-at-the-mouth reactionaries
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
Tom Nichols is spot-on here. We have to pressure the media to own-up to their duty and start making at clear that Trump’s mental gears are missing a lot of teeth. Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish - by
Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish - The archived 13 Jun 2024 12:19:58 UTC
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
I don't mean to be repetitive but "AI" is being abused by the brunchlord extraction class to replace real truth-to-power journalism with hollow automated, engagement-chasing infotainment simulacrum in a bid to make money and distract the public from widespread corruption and societal decline
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Sometimes I meet a white guy whose name is like Jornakynn and it takes everything I have to keep from asking him “so what’s it like to be the youngest in a Mormon family”
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
Creatives are constantly told there's so little demand for our work they can't employ or pay us, but they turn around and invent ways of harvesting our work to get it for free so they can make even more money without us. There's demand, and money, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
I like how every day I wake up and publishing says "books are worthless, you're worthless, we're putting all manuscripts into a shredder and firing our staff" and my brain scabs over and I go "time to write :)"
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
You just add rocks and glue, right?
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'Justice Samuel Alito spoke candidly about the ideological battle between the left and the right — discussing the difficulty of living “peacefully” with ideological opponents in the face of “fundamental” differences that “can’t be compromised.'
Justice Alito Caught on Tape Discussing How Battle for America ‘Can’t Be Compromised’ Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in a new recording says the battle for America "can't be compromised," and that one political party will "win."
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The Washington Post's new publisher offered NPR an exclusive interview if they agreed to kill a story about his legal troubles. NPR refused. Absolutely outrageous, disqualifying behavior.
Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
Everyone involved should be fired. Police, school administrators who agreed to this... Everyone.
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Reposted byAvatar BlepBork
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.