
I try to stay out of intra-Democrat conflict these days, but Biden's defenders underestimate how his age has become a symbol, especially for younger voters, of not just how the party has failed but all institutions. His refusal to budge validates Trump's "give up and give in" campaign message.
Fair. But there was a mechanism for expressing that (the primary). I dont know what “budging” would mean aside from withdrawal. He cant be just a little younger as a concession.
The primary where I could either vote Biden or leave it blank?
There were steps that could haven been taken prior to actual primary voting (by both prospective candidates and regular party members) to create an alternative. They did not do so for a host of reasons including that joe biden is the incumbent president and fairly popular within the party.
Like, i get how stifling the party system can feel. But the kinds of change necessary to fix that arent coming before november.