Devan Barlow

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Devan Barlow

Writer of things.

short stories & poems:

books, dogs, fairy tales, theatre, tea, coffee, sea monsters

icon by @liuet.bsky.socia
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Why should you bid on a short fiction critique from me? 1. Most important - VOTING RIGHTS!!! 2. I've published more than 3 dozen short stories & poems 3. I read a *ridiculous* amount 4. If you want to get feedback via a Zoom call, my in-house editor, Ben, will also be present!
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Romancing the Vote is LIVE!!!! Oodles of cool things are available, including a short fiction critique from me!
And we're live! GO! FIGHT! BID! http://auction.roman...
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Love Augur Society? Time to get on board! 👈 We're looking for enthusiastic, creative, scifi/fantasy-obsessed Augurians for our our programming and marketing projects! Apply now: #augurmagazine #canlit
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We've had both thunder AND fireworks today 😭
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Shipping mystery boxes today. Saying goodbye to the favorite thing I made for this promo. I *almost* kept it.
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Hexagon submissions are open until July 7th! 🧡 We are specifically on the hunt for: 🦑 Eldritch Horror 🪳 New Weird 🏚️ Haunted or cursed places 🚫 Anti-corporation 👨‍🚀 Speculative employment 🧛🏻 Vampires on alternative diets
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Y'all know I love a gothic and MEXICAN GOTHIC by was the very first gothic we did a drink for! A modern classic for a reason, this book is moody and atmospheric with a charming dynamic heroine. Our drink, Ruthless Gold, is low abv and high effervescence. LINK BELOW.
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Gentle reminder from Ben to stay hydrated, and take a stretch break when you can ❤️
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What Wole said. If you'd like to listen to 4 African writers of science fiction and fantasy, flung all over the world, discuss what it's like to dream up the Afrocentric worlds we do, come join us on Saturday! Registration link is here:
Hey y'all. Join me,, Tlotlo and Ivana for a discussion on Afrocentric futurisms. We'll talk African speculative fiction, thematic resonances in our recent books, class, climate and African philosophies in SF, plus more! Register here:
Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Tordotcom Publishing Presents: A Roundtable on Afrocentric Futurisms. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Tordotcom Publishing Presents: A Roundtable on Afrocentric Futurisms. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
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Reposted byAvatar Devan Barlow
All right, friends, we need to have a talk about the lucky democracy dice for Are you going to let people claim this luck without a fight? NO, NO YOU SHOULD NOT
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Merry Night of the Shivering Housepets to all who must celebrate.
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These are so freaking cool, and right now I have the highest bid on them. Go ahead--try and take them from me! Make me work for 'em!
Dragon Scale Fingerless Auction item 'Dragon Scale Fingerless Gloves' hosted online at 32auctions.
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Whose orbit have you perturbed? Will you meet again? Read "All-Sky Survey" by Mary Alexandra Agner today and think of comets: "I look up, but without magnification I cannot see you."
All-Sky Survey - Small With shaking hands, I touch the eyepiece and the field of view oscillates, streaks of light rushing by without names or fixed position.
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can we get a thread of sci-fi writers going? BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+ and disabled authors to the front! we all need new reading material!! please alt text images and add links so we can buy from you
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Next submission period begins on July 15! There is NO THEME this time, so send in any of your favourite pieces of writing. We offer $0.10/word! And as a reminder, we now accept translations and flash fiction! More details on what we accept and how to submit:
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#Romancelandia, I'm still a bargain! And FYI I am a very gentle collaborator so if you're feeling nervous about letting a professional get their brain fingers all over your manuscript, please know that I would love to be a part of your creative process.
20k-Word Manuscript Auction item '20k-Word Manuscript Edit' hosted online at 32auctions.
Reposted byAvatar Devan Barlow
We’re hitting the point in the auction where people are begging others to help them pay more. (Do it, do it!) Romancing the Vote: the auction in which the infighting is so bad that people fight themselves.
Alright bidders, while I am perfectly happy to buy everything I'm top bidder on right now I feel like I'm getting too good a deal on a few of these, so let's walk through them, shall we?
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Courtney is up, and she’s looking through Bree’s carefully curated remaining BIN strategies for VIOLENCE PURPOSES.
Bree has to actually sleep tonight, and possibly sleep IN tomorrow, so you are safe from chaos for a while. Unless Courtney gets up and choses violence. ALWAYS POSSIBLE!
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I also donated a brainstorming session! I've done these with lots of people and I think I'm pretty good at it. Stuck with your book? Check it out!
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Our Kickstarter is approaching 90% funded. Join us! Testimonial from Alecia F. “Supporting DreamForge is a no-brainer for those of us who love SFF; their stories are original, thought-provoking, and always a joy to read. How could I not support it?!” You should check it out at
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let's make it a trilogy, y'all! RELEASE THE CHICKENS!!!!
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It took me EIGHT DAYS to realize this, but... They'd never proclaim him Thane of Cawdor Thane of Pawdor, however
On this morning's walk, Ben and I passed three rabbits sitting in a circle, staring at one another, maybe six feet away from the sidewalk. They turned to watch us, and let us get so close, I was worried they were about to proclaim him the Thane of Cawdor.
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You've heard of RELEASE THE BEES, but what about the sequel... RELEASE THE FROGGIES!!!!!
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Ben loves to snooze on his office dog bed/editorial post while I'm writing, but rest assured, if there is Something To See outside, rest assured he is on top of it!
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New piece! I struggled with this one a lot back when I started it a year or two ago, but it finally came together nice and easy when I went back and took a second look at it. 😊
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Mid-auction reminder: I have three items up for auction on! Each of the three is a choice between a full novel manuscript critique and a Zoom call to talk about game writing (general, not Veilguard). All three currently up for grabs!
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.