Wendy H. Jones Author

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Wendy H. Jones Author


Multi-award-winning Scottish Author - crime thrillers, cozy mysteries, YA Mysteries, Children’s Picture Books, non-fiction for writers, historical fiction.
What will you do today to move your writing and publishing journey forward? What are your goals? Let me know so I can cheer you on.
I love this advice.
Nurture your writing. Give it a place in your life. Nurture your inspirations, let them out in ways that grow and inspire you. Write because you enjoy the creation of it. -Wrtr #amwriting #amediting Be Writing. #author #writing
Lunch today included the most delicious cake and coffee with a brand new cookbook. How cool is that. #relaxingsunday #cookbook #writerslife
And I mean this. Sisters in Crime is truly a brilliant organisation. Whether female or male all are welcome. Check it out.
Our sibs are the best! Thank you @wendyhjones.bsky.social! #WeLoveSinC
I could not resist the urge to purchase Ian Fleming book when I saw it recently and it is A fresh portrait of the man behind James Bond, and his enduring impact, by an award-winning biographer with unprecedented access to the Fleming family papers.
Thanks to @rebmacrath.bsky.social for sharing.
Wendy is taking the East Coast by storm. Here is why--and why you should follow her.
I give in! The piles win! Time for a new book trolley 😀 💙📚
I'm on the More Than Writers Blog Today with a blog I feel every writer should read. morethanwriters.blogspot.com/2023/10/auth... #writingcommunity
I'm currently on a book tour of East Coast USA. Lat night I was at a brewery speaking to a reading group with 6 other amazing authors. This is the lovely Tara who bought all 7 of my DI Shona McKenzie Mysteries. The books were flying off the table. #mysteries #reading
Congratulations to the lovely and highly talented @beccamascull.bsky.social on the publication of her latest book.
Absolutely LOVED #TheGriefHouse by Rebecca Thorne💕 Haunting, atmospheric & beautifully written, I was pulled into Blue’s story immediately, and I couldn’t put it down (also nearly did a tiny cry on multiple occasions😭). Out in Jan and definitely worth adding to your TBR ❤️ #bookrecommendations
Don't forget to engage with some on your Skyline and post an occasional Skeet. With your background, you'll be a major find for those who aspire to write as well as writers who could use a boost.
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I’m new here and looking forward to following some people and getting to know the platform.
My actress daughter as a wedding guest of Tommy Shelby …
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