
We got this way because we played along with the whole “let’s hear both sides out” And one side is like, normal people who just want fair wages and healthcare and the other side is a church theocracy that believes poor people getting help is an abomination to god and trans people are literal demons.
Funny how they won't tolerate that whole "both sides" things with Satan. I think we should force that issue.
I think we should force the theocrats out. Of the country and into the ocean.
If they're so sure that they deserve places in heaven, then I'm of the belief that we should hurry them along to find out for themselves
the Romans weren't right about a lot of things but we should really Retvrn and start feeding the Christians to lions again
Get those nice Roman Candles made from Christofascist fat.
Lmao you don't have to convince me
You know not to give the Romans too much credit but maybe they were onto something with that whole "feeding Christians to lions" business
Did they really do that? I figured it was mostly exaggerated to satisfy their persecution complex 🤣
if the Christians get to rewrite history to suit their political needs so do we
the correct place for Christians is inside a hydraulic press
I’d say feed them to lions but that’s not healthy to lions.
I keep crossing my fingers for the rapture so we can all have a nice time together when they're gone
Yeah it feels like the tide on this shit really started turning when conservatives started the whole "Mark Zuckerberg is oppressing my first amendment rights!" crusade. I mean, it's always been building up in the background but that's when the real crazies made themselves known, it feels like.