Katrice Metaluna

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Katrice Metaluna


Just your average everyday enchanted coyote slave girl. One of the few farking furries around with a body control kink. 18+ only!
This should really count as sedition. Everyone involved in this should be arrested.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
One of my favorite bits of television from the 80s is where some guy got a Commodore 64 to control a Synclavier through a MIDI cable in order to play a song. I just liked seeing one of the cheapest computers on the market conducting a mega expensive synth.
If it weren't the Yamaha DX-7, 80s music would have never happened.
My ADHD shielded me from this gruesome fate. They all thought I was smart but lazy. I take solace in the fact that it's quite likely most of my grade school teachers are dead now.
were you really a gifted kid or were you just assigning unhealthy value to your intelligence as a child and now you’re both burnt out and stupid
"I'm a Republican and I hate freedom!" ("He's a Republican and he hates freedom!")
genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
USians, the 4th of July is a great time for us to call our electeds and leave voicemail asking them to support AOC in calling for impeachment of the 6 right-wing SCOTUS justices.
I still love this drawing so much. I really need to get it colored some day.
A most iconic image drawn by Dr. Comet oh so long ago. Is this a better or worse situation? Her hands are being controlled by some enchantment that keeps them playing with her breasts and teasing her nipples again. This time we don't know who did that. But at least she can walk... oh, that leash.
Happy Fireworks day. Fireworks and barbecues. Any other meaning this day might have had has been lost to the ages. Go watch Jeff Goldblum defeat the space aliens with a Macbook.
Seeing all these YouToubers making these sponsored bits for Ground News. I'll admit the idea seems like a real good one. Being able to suss out the biases in other news sites. But I've seen this sorta thing play out before. We're gonna find out something about them sooner or later.
If it helps anyone, we're all generally ignorant of political events in the galaxy. For all we know there might be a major war going on but we're way too remote and insignificant for either side to bother us with it.
I want what they have (sleep and blissful ignorance of current events)
The biggest turning point in you life as an artist is when you shift gears from thinking “I can draw these things but not those things” to thinking “I can draw anything! Quality not guaranteed, but I can draw it”
Shining a bright light onto the darkness.
The number of Google searches for Project 2025 skyrocketed after Taraji P. Henson mentioned it during her BET Awards appearance and encouraged the audience watching to Google it. That single black woman did more for liberal causes than all the current DNC leaders and the candidates themselves.
Your honor, with all due respect, a woman came up to me and said, "I'd like to poison your mind with wrong ideas that appeal to you, though I am not unkind."
Your honor, with all due respect, a big hollow man with a fistful of sham came a'walking across the sea.
I only became aware of him some time in the mid 00's, and beyond liking some of his pinups I hardly thought about him at all. Then about ten years ago I heard some bad stuff about him. Stuff like this. Goes to show that anyone can learn to draw with enough time and patience. He ain't all that.
Is anyone surprised by this? Bernal has been a homophobic conservative since the 90's. 🤷‍♀️ He was incensed when Radio started Genus: Male, saying we "turned Genus gay!" Uh, no, we still did regular Genus, we just did a gay one too. (96 issues of Genus, 13 of Genus: Male.)
Not that I'll really be doing very much today anyway but I'm already looking forward to Monday being over.
Rule by idiots is Capitalism.
You heard it here first folks. When engineers say what the radius of a highway curve should be, that’s communism. Public health rules for safe drinking water? Communism.
This actually happens? I have only ever experienced the exact opposite of this.
There's nothing quite as beautiful as watching two close friends who have never met each other immediately hit it off and start bonding.
Completely analog devices where all the displays are dials and possibly indicator lights. But the lights have to be florescent bulbs and not LEDs. And not a single integrated circuit in the entire design. There can be transistors but only where it would be absolutely required.
I genuinely believe in the next 20 years or so there will be a luxury line for basically any item that has electronics in it that has absolutely minimal Computer Bullshit as a feature. Luxury cars that have normal dashboards. Luxury washer and dryers that don't need firmware updates or apps. Etc.
OK everyone, raise your hand if you totally understood what The Architect was saying in The Matrix Reloaded, back when you first saw it. I mean yeah, he was being pretentious AF but I was never bewildered by his sesquipedalian loquaciousness. >:P
This also reminds me that apps like Grammarly have a tendency to want you to simplify your text. I don't want to dumb down my text if I'm trying to impart some kind of impact.
It should be a requirement that these are made to resemble Little Golden Books, use an extra large font, have one big illustration per page, and the book should keep making the large implication that the reader is a tiny lil' kid still learning how to read.
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
It's the weekend and I think I wanna try staying up as long as I can. I want something good. I want something nice. I don't want other people trying to dictate to me what those can and cannot be.
Periodic reminder: What you see on social media is an algorithm-curated echo chamber. Those who shout loudest typically get amplified the most, regardless of whether they’re right. The real work takes place offline. If you’re getting stressed out by today, take a break, focus on what you can do.
Looking at all those DM convo logs on my Discord. Seeing how nearly all of them just end. See a few where the other person pinged me and I never responded. That happened two, three... four years ago. Now I feel bad. Gah I am so broken. >:P
Doom scrolling on Bluesky was not what I needed today. Sorry folks. I'm away from here for a while.
Why is this debate happening? What's the point? There is none. It's just stupid noise. It's not going to persuade anyone. Like seriously if you're still on the fence after all that's happened then you're useless. >:P
OK you randos following me for whatever reason I cannot fathom. If you're not bots, you should know this is a NSFW kink account where I love to go on about my silly lewd fantasy kinks all the time and if you follow me then you're gonna see that shit here and there and now and then.