
I feel like it may come off like I’m defending Leigh when i talk about her having been less extreme in the past I think its important to mention bc 1. Having followed her means nothing 2. More importantly the speed and extremity of her radicalization makes her pose a greater threat to people imo
That this is not someone who is just casually gross forever without doing anything but rather someone who has gotten literally worse almost every day for about a year. So I’m warning about a different kind of behavior
I've said this a couple places, but we were mutuals and actually talked about comics before this last year....and then she went into this rabbit hole
It was terrifying to watch ngl
i was shocked at how abrupt and extreme the turn was, i think it caught a lot of people by surprise
Caught me by surprise. I think it's similar to what happened to a lot of Americans after 9/11- a turn to absolutism, us-vs-them thinking. Fear leads to authoritarian thinking (in the psychological sense of the word). Burning bridges leads to digging in and getting more extreme.