
By throwing enough money at the problem, you can get enough completed calls to appropriately sample responses to reflect what happened in the last election. Why polls are garbage: that’s very expensive! It’s also why no poll is going to be predictive after Dobbs until we get new data from voting.
so the thing is, despite the fact that anyone who actually answers the phone these days is a weirdo, you can still get high quality polling result this way what this shows is that you can’t get them cheaply, which is why the zone is flooded with RW bullshit polls who don’t care about accuracy
It’s just impossible to know what rakes Republicans will step on, that were left lying around when their handpicked judges made abortion policy state law in this country, by November. Who knows what share of eligible women and the people who care about them are actually going to vote? No one.
Anyone who says they can figure it out based on [2020, 2022, abortion referenda + 2023 governors races] is wildly exaggerating; models of who will vote are probabilistic at best. tl;dr: Hang onto your butts & register an unlikely voter, y’all, we have no idea what’s going to happen.