
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
I think a lot about how it felt we were gifted a "progressive future" in 2008 and no we weren't. we have to fight for it. These are the reactions of deeply fearful people grasping on every lever of power. it sucks but progress is never won without a fight.
...and you have to keep fighting. Every year. Every election. Every school board meeting. It's never over. Progress can be taken away, as it isn't seen as "progress" by everyone.
The fact that you think voting and attending meetings is "fighting" is precisely why you're losing. Under Biden, we've basically regressed to the 19th century, and you still think you can vote your way out of this. Delusional.
It's part of it. We have to do everything there is to do and that includes voting and going to meetings. It also involves running for local office, school boards, etc.. Even becoming a constitutional lawyer can help. What doesn't help is someone with all the complaints and no answers.
You: "You don't have any answers!" Also you: *Embodies the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result* The answer is to stop doubling down on failure.
You have no idea what i have or haven't done. Just like i don't know what you've done, so i haven't been so presumptuous as to wag my finger at you for something i'd just be assuming about you. The answer is to not be a douchebag.