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As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
At the rose bowl! Let’s go LAFC!
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Wow did u know u can just arrest fascists ?
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
I will use the u’s please adopt me British people
It rules on this July 4 I’m begging my uk friend to gay marry me
Crying, thinking on this Independence Day we fucked up. Keir Starmer is my daddy
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"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
Would love to see a comparison with twitters decline.
Happy fourth the the UK who seem to actually be doing it right and overturning their government
Going to the LAFC v LA galaxy game tonight at the rose bowl and my dad told me he’s just wearing a USA jersey. Big rob lowe vibes
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I love the America that every abolitionist, unionist and suffragist insisted it could be. I love the Grand Canyon, the Appalachians, and the Coastal Plains. I love the people, the mob, the crowd, the mass. All the great work of the world is done through them.
Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
The most perceptive part of this is the episode turns in to them banning the calling out of racism vs dealing with the racism
Watching the “with apologies to Jessie Jackson” episode of South Park. It’s still hilariously funny Tolkien’s line about “Jessie Jackson isn’t the emperor of black people” id the best line
Watching the “with apologies to Jessie Jackson” episode of South Park. It’s still hilariously funny Tolkien’s line about “Jessie Jackson isn’t the emperor of black people” id the best line
Crying:laughing that the uk gets to have hope after today and we’re suck in this shit. (I’m sorry Charles, please take us back)
Hillary lost so these worked…
Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
Hadn’t been on a real date since COVID era and went on one last night and had a great time. Figures I’d find love at the end to democracy
Had a very good night! So while this country might be going to shit life still goes on
They’re playing the smiths in this bar bathroom
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Roses are red Violets are bloomin
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Mookie in the booth tonight!
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proud to be an American??? it’s humiliating to be an American
This is why Americans just believe “both sides” it’s so much worse off NPR which these people don’t listen to.
I listened to NPR for like five minutes today. They had on Sarah Isgur to talk about what a tough spot Roberts was in because Biden was prosecuting his opponent for a crime for which he wasn’t impeached.
It’s nauseating if he wins trump will take credit and millions will believe “he did it”
Companies decided to sink billions of dollars of new investment into manufacturing plants in the U.S. after the CHIPS and Inflation Reduction Act boosted incentives for U.S. production, Check out that spike in manufacturing plant construction. It dwarfs all prior increases. 📉📈 #️⃣#️⃣
WSJ has a poll to. Don’t see how you stay in with 80% saying you’re too old.
Democrats are never going to be allowed to govern until we change the court