
Me, tuning an extremely intricate looking scientific device. "We've made contact with the tankie universe!" I exclaim "What are they talking about?" "How much liberals love George W. Bush?" "Did you tune that thing right?"
I'm still coming to terms with the fact that there are adult people walking and talking who don't remember any part of his presidency.
I made a topical "drill baby drill" joke this year to a group of kids that included people eligible to vote this fall and had to explain first that it was a joke and second that it was very funny when they were infants
I told a new hire that a certain professor liked to brag that Lawrence Summers listened to his podcast, but she'd never heard of Lawrence Summers.
Oh, that's sickos dot jpg stuff for me
when I first started working here I made fun of my manager for being shocked I was too young to remember the moon landings. time comes for us all.
I'd assume by this point that most coworkers anywhere would be too young to remember the moon landing. Unless it's like, the knowledge that it happened.