
For the remainder of #PrideMonth, my latest collection of stories is on sale! I consider all my stories queer, whether through subtext or overtly, as they are written by a most queer individual (in every sense of that word). $.99 gets you 18 stories & 19 illustrations!
So you're saying that I can find out what is behind that truly excellent cover for less than 1 American dollar? How could I possibly say no to that? Reading it right now!
Sold by that cover already! I will read it right after I am finished with the queer werewolf-novel I am currently reading 🙏🏻
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it
I was able to start reading a few days back and I have loved every story so far! They are so very well written and intriguing. I am currently reading "Take my hand at midnight". My fave so far is "From the diary of Mrs. Madeline Smythe" - that one had me gasp out loudly!
Bought, but I'm nervous. I avoid horror. Most horror is trauma-triggering for me. But I have no problem with medical, disability, surgery, death, etc. There are some things classed as horror that are beautiful sad healing stories, not actually horrible or horrifying. Hoping these fall in that group.
If horror isn't your thing, then this may not be the collection for you, though I've been told I write hopeful horror, that is, there is usually a glimmer of beauty or optimism in even my darker tales. Cotton and Sisters are probably the most viscerally upsetting tales. You might want to avoid those
I appreciate the warning, truly. I kind of depend on trigger warnings, pre-screening recommendations, and timing the actually reading of riskier content for mid-afternoon. Hopeful horror sounds intriguing. Love your art, willing to try. Recommended the book to our local queer book club.
Beautiful illustration and title. Just purchased