Adam Howard

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Adam Howard

programming/ttrpgs/woodworking/anarcho-curious. He/him. TRANS RIGHTS NOW ✊🏻
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Amazon spamming everyone like "it's prime day motherfucker, do you want to buy a dropshipped charging cable that bursts into flames? We've got all the best brands: IFLUGIGUU, WAYAZZFFFLI, UNGILITECEH, and more"
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Someone tell Bluesky Paul that there's no option in settings to switch back to a PvE server
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JD Vance is what happens when a McRib goes to Yale
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3d art: I think I may have made a thing that will outlive me on the internet. I hope many people find a use for this award graphic :) I suppose there are worse legacies ;) #NomadSculpt
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you know actually fuck it. standalone thermal label thread. let's share everything i have learned about thermal label printers, which you can use for making black and white stickers. feel free to ask questions.
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JD vance has a huge ick factor that cannot be ignored. he’s that last slice of sweaty cheese on a pool party platter.
I think people should read and think about this thread. I happen to agree with pretty much all of it, but Nora (as usual) makes a lot of good points about many facets of the current Unpleasantness. Ze comes at it with empathy for all sides and without reflexive defensiveness for "hir" side.
im going to talk about the discourse broadly without naming names. it's ok to think im wrong on some of it but i have some ways that i think people should consider changing their behavior
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This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
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has it occurred to anyone that we might be in this video game’s water level
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HELL YEAH RETIRE FUCKO. You too Jake Crapper. Spewing Axios blind quotes.
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can people stop being fucking freaks to trans women please
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at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
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The best strategy is calm, humor, & living your life now as clear details begin to emerge in the coming days. There’s tons of info the public doesn’t even have on this situation yet to base a reaction off of.
I’ve already seen social media posts sharing details & pictures about different individuals who appear to share the name of the suspect in the NY Post’s article (which is itself not corroborated at this time). This is really a time to be careful about unconfirmed information.
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Rhetoric that states that you have the right to assassinate your political opponents has no place in American society and it's for this reason that I'm calling for the six conservative scotus justices to resign
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This is absolutely malpractice.
"the Biden campaign said it was pausing all messaging to supporters and working to pull down all of its television ads as quickly as possible, the campaign said." I know these people are incompetent jackasses but "let's just let Trump speak unopposed" is borderline deliberate sabotage
Biden says 'everybody must condemn' attack on Trump, hopes to speak with ex-president President Joe Biden says “everybody must condemn” the suspected assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
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I love how the days get shorter. It should just keep doing that until time stops and we can be free.
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Some seem to get mad at the wrong people on purpose. It means they don't have to actually fight against those with power. Punching down or laterally can feel like catharsis.
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The thing that always gets me about people who do shit like this is that I truly believe if you asked them what they expect to concretely improve by behaving in this way and what the mechanism of that improvement would be, they would literally have no answer at all
If fucking people here chase Jamelle Bouie off this platform so fucking help me I will hex every fucking one of you individually
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I have said this before, but pillorying people who work at problematic media institutions overemphasizes personal responsibility for systemic issues and questionable, repeated leadership choices
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i would like to have integrity but i want trans people to survive *way* more. i'm good with lying if that means republicans do not gain the power to kill me and my friends.
The Right is willing to lie to get what they want. If we really believe outcomes are important then we need to act like they’re the only things that matter.
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I have the only perfect opinion about Joe Biden and I will NOT be sharing it
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let’s all remember who the truest enemy is: the passage of time. it used to be 1996. even 1998! but nooooooooo we just decided to the let the ball keep rolling and now it’s 2024 and no one is happy at all. time: not even once.
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Feels like if you're repeatedly firing any number of mass casualty weapons into areas packed with civilians you've tidily answered any questions about what your intentions were.
“Weapons experts said the shrapnel and wounds are consistent with Israeli-made weapons designed to create large numbers of casualties unlike more conventional weapons used to destroy buildings. The experts question why they are being fired into areas packed with civilians.”
Israeli weapons packed with shrapnel causing devastating injuries to children in Gaza, doctors Surgeons who worked in European and al-Aqsa hospitals describe extensive wounds caused by ‘fragmentation’ shrapnel experts say are designed to maximize casualties
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I feel like panicking and I was not in control of this situation and I could see at least ten instances now where I’d made wrong decisions and being in control of the situation was really important because otherwise it was in control of me
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An Abundance of Katherines: The Game Theory of Baby Naming. HT 🧪 #acadsky
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the dual problem of "feudalism" is that a) it didn't exist, it was invented as a way to analyze systems post-facto b) the people who know feudalism doesn't exist haven't managed to describe what was actually in place
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“why don’t you believe kamala could be the candidate?” is a question reporters ought to be asking anyone who suggests another plan.
by choosing anyone other than harris to replace biden should he decide to step aside, the party would be revealing they very cynically chose her as veep for optics without believing she could actually be president.
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There is no one better to read on the intersection of politics, tech, and movements for authoritarian bodily control than MGG
Project 2025 includes the call to “outlaw” porn. If you want to understand what they mean by that? Look to what these groups are already fighting “porn,” and their connections to anti-gender movements outside the US. I start that analysis here:
The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on It’s not people watching porn online. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.