
This is 100% true. Political polling has become, in significant part, a way for media to launder their own thoughts about politics through a facade of "neutrality." It's why they can't admit that people are affected by the ideas they hear in common circulation: because the whole fiction breaks down.
The fact that things like vaccines and abortion rights and LGBT issues are always reported as being “controversial” despite polling consistently showing clear majorities in favour rather gives the game away on this stuff
The question that never gets answered is "who do they poll now?" as land lines no longer exist and no one answers blind callers or pollsters on cell phones. The bias is built RIGHT in to the sampling.
This is 100% true. Political polling has become, in significant part, a way for media to launder their own thoughts about politics through a facade of "neutrality." It's why they can't admit that people are affected by the ideas they hear in common circulation: because the whole fiction breaks down.