
I’m begging reporters to learn what “real wages” means oh my god
Generation Z has been disproportionately pummeled by rising prices, higher housing costs, larger student loan balances and more overall debt than the millennials before them. Gen Z is spending more on necessities than millennials did at the same age, according to a Post analysis.
If your real wages are higher you are better off than before. Gen Z has much higher real wages so they’re doing significantly better. Watching innumerate journalist nimrods try to unskew the numbers in pursuit of a clickbait headline is both idiotic and actively corrosive to public understanding
Also, the idea that Gen Z, coming of age in the strongest entry level labor market in living memory, has it worse than millennials, coming of age in a MASSIVE RECESSION, is so insane and nonsensical that it should have stopped publication of the article until they figured out they botched the math
Generation Z has been disproportionately pummeled by rising prices, higher housing costs, larger student loan balances and more overall debt than the millennials before them. Gen Z is spending more on necessities than millennials did at the same age, according to a Post analysis.
what the fuck is your point
my point is that the idea that Gen Z, coming of age in the strongest labor market in living memory, has it worse than millennials, coming of age in a MASSIVE RECESSION, is so insane and nonsensical that it should have stopped publication of the article until they figured out they botched the math
that’s not really what the article says though. it sounds like you just want to be aggrieved and yell at younger people who are struggling in a different way that you may have.
do you know what the word “may” means here? also, do you know how headlines work?