
I agree but as the amount of time we spend immersed in media grows, and we collectively spend more and more of our time learning about the wider world through screens, you’d expect these hallucinatory postmodern dynamics to intensify. And they have!
But sometimes real world events do shape the narrative. Or are you a thorough going post-modernist? All there is is the text?
Ok so is it not accurate that the debate (and the post-debate week during which Biden has been unable to show that the debate was an aberration) is one of those times when reality bites?
How exactly I’d Biden supposed to show the debate was an aberration? Stand up and recite Remembrance of Things Past (in the original French) from memory for fifteen hours straight?
No silly he could do a press conference or a town hall or a substantial one on one interview with a journalist (15 minutes with George Stephanopolous is not sufficient). He hasn’t. Why not? I think the only logical conclusion is that it isn’t clear that he can do this reliably.
So, the actual events he's done aren't enough for you? Sounds like goalposts moving at high speed
Point me to an event where he answered questions or spoke extemporaneously in public?
I think Biden should've done things like this, but also think none of this would actually be reassuring in a way you could count on for his viability as a candidate. Another moment of visible frailty where he struggles to get out a coherent sentence and it's off to the races again.