
Yesterday I had to record many takes for a video ad for my campaign. Working off a 15-second script, I kept messing it up, saying “I’m running to be your next civil rights attorney.” Guess I have dementia!
I know it will not calm anybody, but here’s two explanations of the thing Biden said: 1) his brain told a perfectly functioning mouth to say he was a black woman, a thing he believed 2) a true thing he was saying got a bit garbled between brain and mouth. Zero people believe (1).
If anyone recorded me speaking extemporaneously, I’d have dementia x100: I can’t get through three sentences without mangling my words.
And for quite literally that entire time “he mangles his words” has been a defining feature
Counterargument: Biden has been in politics since before you bwere born.
Yeah, like ever since I’ve been aware of him, the number one rap on him was “oh that Biden is a gaffe machine.”
seriously. the media is successfully turning something everyone already knew, "biden regularly eats shit when speaking publicly, been going on for decades now," into a fucking panic.
yep, and that was the number one rap on him being obama's VP.
Yeah that was like “oh haha there goes Biden again” Look at ANY of his speeches as Senator. He was a one man gaffe machine who never shut up. That was his reputation. “Enough about you judge let’s talk about me.”
Counterargument: Biden has been in politics since before you bwere born.
Most people can't. It's a skill of rhetors, and one you should study, as you are now a politician. Over to