
The 60,000 foot view of what’s happening in America is that our press can’t respond to an open fascist takeover of the GOP, including direct calls for state political violence, because of a set of deep, deep pathologies that have led it to fixate obsessively on a health scare of the Dem president
"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
the issue is you can have both: the press is biased, and Biden can't win (not just because the press is biased, but because a declining Biden who cannot do a lot of basic campaign things really, genuinely can't win) the 1)identify media bias, 2)???, 3)biden wins strategy is not actually a strategy
They’re expressing their terror at a Trump victory in the only language they know: shrieking that democrats are too weak to save them.
Or is the press just complicit because they foresee a financial benefit from supporting a particular candidate?
Genuinely believing that Trump represents a fascist-like movement eager to use state violence against opposition isn't particularly compatible with the press believing that it'll be high times for them when Trump wins. At least on some level, there's some myopia going on here.
Meemaw and pop-pop are name recognition voters. They will vote for that nice young man Joe Biden. But if they can’t, because he’s not on the ballot, they’ll vote for the other guy whose name they recognize.
Part of this is that elite media journalism serves elite interests. Because so many of the mom and pop news operations died out, everything is filtered through this outwardly liberal, but institutionally conservative lens.