
Almost certainly gonna regret this post, but as a Jew, itā€™s not great to see so many people on here all weekend condemning library graffiti by supposedly pro-Palestinian groups, but see no one say ā€œand also itā€™s bad when these extremists attack random Jews on the street including Jewish childrenā€
Bass blasts 'abhorrent' violence outside L.A. synagogue during protest, beefs up LAPD Video on social media shows fistfights among protesters, some of whom are wielding sticks and handles from protest signs as police in riot gear stand nearby.
Physically attacking any random Jews you encounter on the street, and vandalizing Jewish houses of worship and cemeteries and businesses owned by Jews is not ā€œpro peaceā€ or ā€œanti-Israel,ā€ itā€™s just antisemitic.
Neither side should be using this issue about violence by using violence It should also be noted that criticizing the actions of a government or a terrorist group should not be construed as an attack on them because of their religion, which encompasses far more people than either of these entities.