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Lover of mid century art,music,literature.
Humanist G.W.G
Proud husband and father.
Love to draw,read and tinker with various musical instruments.
We lost a great friend to cancer recently he was a great bloke and very popular and now the school where he was a teacher have honoured his memory by naming the school library after him. We all miss him a lot he was a true gentleman and friend.
That's my weekend reading sorted .
I've nearly hit 60 yrs old and suddenly my body gives me trouble . Enlarged prostate,sciatica,Tinitus,Trygeminal neuralgia and ulcerative colitis. Now they tell me me my number of white blood cells is a little high! Good job I'm not a worrier I ll just live life and deal with probs as they arrive.
Reposted byAvatar Wildeone64
I have a horrible feeling Labor will win today I only hope they don't leave us in the mess they left us in last time.
It's summertime yet we're all wearing raincoats and its not so warm. I remember when you could tell what time of year it was by the weather but now it's anybody guess.
Reposted byAvatar Wildeone64
Thought experiment: Imagine if Obama, after claiming an election had been stolen from him and being convicted of 34 felonies, was granted immunity by SCOTUS justices who had taken undisclosed luxury trips on George Soros' dime. The fact that you can't even imagine this scenario tells you something.
Just about to start another P.K.Dick ....
Not sure what was going on in my brain but this is my latest scribbling mixed media on 340gsm paper A3.
One of my recent scribblings I don't class myself as an artist but I have a constant urge to paint or draw and have sold one or two but mostly I just live to create.
I left Twitter/X because there was so much hatred and nastiness and joined threads but that seems to be going that way too so here I am on here I hope there's no idiots.
End of feed.