
And a big thanks to for being a regular (and sometimes the sole) appreciator of my closet fashion shows. 😁
Very slick, though I hope it’s not too hot where you are for a 3 piece
Thank you!! Switzerland has been through a shitty, mostly rainy weather for the past three months with only a few hot days the past week. I live at a thousand meters of altitude so it's generally cold enough for me to go around in suits. ^^ Might not say the same thing in the coming months though.
We’ve been having the same out in western wa(thank goodness compared to the rest of the country) but I am not looking forward to the coming humidity. Hope y’all don’t melt too much out there! Hope those alps keep y’all cool
Last Summer was a horrifying dry season that made a lot of damage to our rivers and crops on top of causing major discomfort, though my little town was still the more bearable place to be at the time. And you are right to mention the humidity. That's why my "fashion shows" are mostly indoors. ^^'
Rocking that look! Could you tellus a bit about what makes it vintage? I can tell it IS, but can't put it to words.
Thank you and excellent question because I rarely get to think over that word! It's vintage for many reasons. 1)second-hand so it already has history 2)harkens back to a fashion style that is not common anymore 3) respects classic clothing conventions with matching handkerchief and bowtie.