
Putting together a fanvid playlist that is excellent vids for sitcoms and also for other shows that get silly in specific ways and I’m realizing there really aren’t enough decent vids for sitcoms, especially older ones. (Or I’m just not finding them.) (More NewsRadio fanworks, please.)
As I struggle to find vids for certain sources I realize I never have nominated any fandoms for Festivids. I always mean to and then welp . . . (If you aren’t familiar with Festivids, it’s like Yuletide but for fanvids instead of fic. If you aren’t familiar with Yuletide, I’ve covered this before.)
I’ve been sticking to making fanvid playlists on YouTube because it is easiest but I keep running across the problem where some fave vids aren’t on the ‘Tube or are on the ‘Tube but some studio or other demanded they be taken down (grrrr). I really should find a solution where I can share more vids
& then I got to wondering if people ever share fanvid playlists as works on AO3. I’ve seen music playlists inspired by fiction or fic, but I don’t think I’ve seen them for vids. Not sure how that would work. My primary fan activity is making playlists & writing documentation (for FanFicFare, Plex).
aw thank you for sharing this one, I hadn't seen it! I've vidded sitcoms and it's really true they don't get enough love
I wound up thinking of shows where I’d love a vid & searching AO3 & then searching the ‘Tube (often using “tribute” as a keyword). Was so pleasantly surprised to find this. (I love both your Batman vids so much & also your Better Off Ted vid.)
You have a Community vid too that I like IIRC. At least there is no shortage of vids for Community.
yeah, I was gonna say, Community took off in both fic and vidding fandom in a way a lot of sitcoms don't
aw thank you! PS I also have a vid about women on sitcoms and how they're allowed to be loving and funny and ridiculous: (thought I'd mention it cuz that one's not on YT - the song is too strictly policed there)
[vid] OK - thingswithwings - Parks and Recreation [Archive of Our Own] An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
This is awesome. Love women being great (& also messy and complicated like the humans they are) & the female friendship feels. Those shots at the end warm my heart too. (I feel like I may have seen this once in a vid show or based on a rec, but not since.) (May comment more on AO3.)
Remembered you also have a good Good Place vid too; that’s another half-hour show that gets more vid love than most. It occurs to me there aren’t many multifandom vids for just half-hour comedies or at least I can’t think of many. That seems weird to me somehow but then I want vids for everything.
yeah it's really uncommon for people to make multivids for half hour comedies! I wonder if part of it is how sitcoms are traditionally less visually interesting or varied (same sets, 3-wall multicamera, traditionally fewer plot arcs that introduce new visual elements)
aw thank you so much! I really had such big feelings about the kind of roles that women get to have on sitcoms (they can be so messy and flawed!) that I wanted to put into that vid, I'm so happy you felt the same. and ty for the ao3 comment as well!