
The extent that the Electoral College works as well it does for conservatives because of widespread ethnic cleansing does not get talked about nearly enough.
Ethnic cleansing in the South, gerrymandering in the West (all those empty states that get two Senators). If you combined both Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho it still wouldn't be very populous. Combine all of it with Nebraska and it's still not one of the most populous.
If the western states had been accepted using the borders of the territories at the time of the Kansas-Nebraska act it would have been pretty fair. Normal California, plus bigger Oregon, Washington, Utah, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, and Minnesota. 8 states instead of 16.
There’s an argument that all of this is based on compacts made with Southern states that they broke in the Civil War. We distorted the nation to allow them to preserve slavery just a little longer, they went to war against us anyway, and now they are using those broken compacts to try to rule us.
Plenty of ethnic cleansing in the West too.
Sure, though mostly in service of settler colonialism instead of politics.
With the tribes, yes. The ethnic cleansing of Hispanic residents, especially in Texas and California, was about ensuring what dominance at the ballot box.
“white dominance”
There’s also waves of isolated and organized attacks against the Chinese in California during the period.
Yep. Basically everything between Washington, Oregon, and Minnesota should be one big, mostly empty state.
IIRC if you combine them all (and include Nebraska) then the Super Nebraska you get still has less people than Indiana.
I love the name Super Nebraska. This needs to happen.