
Please be nice to pharmacy staff. Most stores are understaffed and overworked, and that was before Riteaid closed and sent a tidal wave of patients to every other outlet. These people help keep us alive.
I think this is also true of cashiers in general, who often face a ton of abuse unfortunately. I guess it comes back to the "treat others as you'd want to be treated"! Life's hard, we need to be more kind!
You're certainly right! I've just been thinking about the specific abuse I've seen aimed at pharmacist techs, but lots of cashiers get grief.
Yes, be nice to ALL customer facing staff, you never know what someone's going through. Unless they deny someone medication for personal religious reasons, in which case you absolutely should mercilessly persecute them. I'm not joking. Ruin their careers.
Yep, that is one big and vulgar exception.
Is this a "they aren't paying people enough to retain them or hire them" problem? Because it is a mess here, too.
I've gotten conflicting information about this from different pharmacies. But pay is always a factor in stressful jobs.
In my experience, healthcare workers are saying the same thing my higher ed people are: we know the system is failing and it’s tearing us up
support your local dealer gotcha
They’re also expected to do as many vaccinations as possible while still filling meds because we’ve surrendered that public health service to the private sector
To be totally fair, I am nice, but I don't get why putting some pills into smaller containers takes the time it does.
I guess I should also say, I am not happy with the way any of this works. I am an adult man, and I think I should be able to go to the counter and say "six valium please" and they put them in a little thing for me "more like an envelope".
Because they do a lot more than that, and also, they put a lot of pills in a lot of bottles, often in short windows of time.
I am willing to defer to expertise. Not insulting. But I don't see that at all. NO motor and pestle, no pill presses. I just don't know what is happening other than it took a LONG time.
I knew a guy who was a pharmacist that did "prep" for surgery. He made a SHIT TON. It wasn't about getting some pills ready, he was doing ALL the logistics for the surgery. All the 'stuff' that would be used.
I am very nice to my pharmacy staff and they say hello to me on sight because I'm a regular over there. But god bless em they cant sell me a syringe with a compatible larger-gauge drawing needle for the life of em.