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Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
hey white folks maybe don't call all south asians "indian" don't call all east asians "chinese" don't call any southeast asians "chinese" (unless they're actually chinese as those countries have chinese communities)
My assertion that being sick entitles me to use the PlayStation has been met with derision by my sons.
Tested positive for Covid this morning. Our cat plays doctor in our house. He came to assess me, snuggled briefly, then jumped down from the bed and threw up. I think I’m a goner.
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
“The South really did not lose [the Civil War] when it came to maintaining this form of free labor.” New from Josephine Lee and Michelle Pitcher in our magazine, tracing two centuries of forced labor in Texas: #slavery
Texas’ Plantation Prisons: Inside a 200-Year History of Forced Labor Shrouded in Secrecytexasobserver.org Punishments, injuries, and deaths—including from heat—on TDCJ farms are more hidden than they were in the years following convict leasing.
I nearly made it 4 years without getting Covid. Once my firm insisted we come into the office x days a week, I’ve had it twice in the past 8 months.
That Covid is spiking. Stay safe, everyone.
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
“But, your flag decal won't get you Into Heaven any more They're already overcrowded From your dirty little war Now, Jesus don't like killin' No matter what the reason's for And your flag decal won't get you Into Heaven any more” -John Prine
An infection could still get him.
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
“I got immunity, Jack.”
BREAKING: Biden to address the nation after Trump assassination attempt
“But, your flag decal won't get you Into Heaven any more They're already overcrowded From your dirty little war Now, Jesus don't like killin' No matter what the reason's for And your flag decal won't get you Into Heaven any more” -John Prine
After learning of his Internet fame, our cat crawled under the family room end table, but said “the people can have a picture of my mane. It is rather regal today.
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
One of the reasons that atrocities are allowed to continue is that those in power have a real vested interest in making sure we don’t feel connected to each other- but genuinely none of us can be free until all of us are free.
Something I would really suggest doing is to interact with the accounts from Gaza on here- even if you can’t send money just sending verbal support and love can make a real connection. I think it’s easy to make this genocide abstract and the people impacted abstractions- so fight against it ❤️
Nothing like the combination of jet lag and the sweet embrace of your first edible in weeks to make you wake from a a deep hours-long sleep at 10:17pm and proclaim as a king “GATHER THE PEOPLE OF THE NICHE MICROBLOG WEBSITE! I HAVE PROUND THINGS TO SHARE!”
Love it when the bar fakes you out by making the heavy-looking beer mug out of plastic. Sorry, but I’m gonna need another after throwing that beer over my shoulder.
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
Wrapping up the final day of vacation with a shower beer before heading out to dinner. To quote / paraphrase Ferris Bueller: “Shower beers are so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.”
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
My wife and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary yesterday. Today I got stung by a jellyfish and she offered to pee on me. That’s love, folks.
I must be getting older. I’m having a harder time finding the seatbelt buckle in unfamiliar cars.
My wife and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary yesterday. Today I got stung by a jellyfish and she offered to pee on me. That’s love, folks.
After beach activities we have developed a habit of watching either Top Chef VIP On Telemundo, or Family Feud.
Our Uber driver this evening is pointing out all the hotels in San Juan he used to sing at. Apparently he was supposed to sign a contract with Lionel Richie’s manager in 1984. Manager died of a heart attack two days before their meeting. I don’t know if it’s true, but that’s a hell of a story.
Wrapping up the final day of vacation with a shower beer before heading out to dinner. To quote / paraphrase Ferris Bueller: “Shower beers are so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.”
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
My oldest son: “You always recommend the worst movies. Like that one about the spy / not spy, and then they had to add that woman for sex appeal. And then they do the whole thing on the mountain…” “…North by Northwest?” “Yes! Terrible.” “You’re out of the will.”
My oldest son: “You always recommend the worst movies. Like that one about the spy / not spy, and then they had to add that woman for sex appeal. And then they do the whole thing on the mountain…” “…North by Northwest?” “Yes! Terrible.” “You’re out of the will.”
Looking forward to the flight(s) back home in a couple of days so I can watch the final 30-some minutes of 1917.
There is some debate in Puerto Rico as to the genesis of the pina colada. I don’t know which is correct, but the one at Caribe Hilton is superior.
Bill Murray (while problematic) has a line in Lost in Translation that relates to your kids. “They are some of the most wonderful people you’ll ever meet.” It’s true.
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
Graffiti along a highway in Puerto Rico: “We See a Future Free From Colonizers”
Reposted byAvatar WobblyCPA
Uber just turned on Coldplay as we got in. We are white AF.