
Convicted felons can’t even get a job as a greeter at Walmart. Therefore one shouldn’t be able to be president. It’s the craziest thing ever.
Counterpoint - convicted felons should be able to be greeters at walmart. If you prevent felons from holding office it gives a huge incentive to the party in control to make their opposition felons.
Counter counterpoint, we SHOULD have a court system that is unbiased, apolitical, and unable to be influenced by the president of the United States, past or present.
Yes. Criminal history should only be relevant for like "convicted of embezzling = not allowed to be accountant" That said criminal history being relevant to political office is a bad idea else you end up being russia just kangaroo courting political rivals
Crazy, a Felon can't Vote, but they can be President.
Or, if you can’t vote for yourself, you can’t be on a ballot on that state.
Totally agree with this. Its wild this is even possible, nobody with a criminal record can be a Prime Minister.
And let's also talk about voting rights for felons.
"And did you know if you were caught, and you were smokin' crack McDonald's wouldn't even wanna take it back? You could always just run for mayor of D.C." - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous (Good Charlotte)
It's "take you back;" I think the lyrics were automatically generated.
Honestly being impeached should disqualify someone from being president again and I pretty sure they only reason that’s not explicitly stated in the constitution is no one ever imagined the populace would be so stupid as to even entertain the idea. But here we are…
Sorry, rules only apply to commoners, not dictators.
While amusing, the reason felons can be president is so that the legal system can't be used as a political weapon. It's completely unfair that felons can't get a job, but the two circumstances aren't at all comparable.
Fellons and prisoners should also be allowed to vote
Honestly, we look to our leaders to set an example. I think all but the most menial jobs should list 'being a convicted felon' as a required qualification.
The expectation of sensible rules and practices provides an interesting diversion from reality.
On one side I agree. On the other hand isn't this something that if this somehow was a gap, they they simply address the facts that felons just can't run for President? I mean this seems like a reasonable statement. This isn't your store manager or DBA.
how is it legal for felons to be president but not legal for them to vote? insane
I would be okay with felons being enfranchised again. Because I'm also against the idea that making a drug possession charge stick should disenfranchise someone, nor bar them from holding public office. We've already got a law barring insurrectionists and traitors from doing so. 1/2
2/2 That's why the Jan 6 trials are so important and why they've been postponed so hard. Because he WOULD be convicted and then they would have to nominate someone else to be dictator. And they don't have his successor buttered up for Prime Time yet.
Felons should get to vote too