
I literally warned y'all about exactly this kind of harmful outcome from GPT integrations, & even told you *why/how* it'd happen. And if it's showing in résumé sorting, then bet it's about break as having been happening in patient portals & police reports & lending application sorters & on & on & on
“UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the ‘Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award’ — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials.”
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same...
Back in 2022, at the American Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Law Conference, I was on a panel where I discussed exactly this range of possibilities, as well as the ways ableism was gonna show up in the "AI" facial recognition surveillance interview systems that are now increasingly everywhere…
The session was called “Using Artificial Intelligence in Hiring and Recruiting: The Future is Here.” And yeah, we told 'em; it sure fuckin is.
Back in 2022, at the American Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Law Conference, I was on a panel where I discussed exactly this range of possibilities, as well as the ways ableism was gonna show up in the "AI" facial recognition surveillance interview systems that are now increasingly everywhere…
Hmm, that sounds like a foreseeable outcome. If a company knew, or should have known, that the tool would likely discriminate... is using it anyway evidence of intent?