
Literally admits that "hallucinations" and bias are "limitations of GenAI systems themselves." My god 😂😭
They are also limits of natural intelligence systems, aka, people. In my experience, I am no more likely to get a correct answer from people than from AI. EG, ask someone about the existence of a super cloud daddy in the sky.
You sit in a relational, interconnected, mutually sustaining matrix with other intentioned beings, and if "AI" were built in a completely different way, it might be able to be that on purpose, but it is *not* built that way, and every intention it currently has is an intention built from capitalism…
…militarism, hegemony, and white supremacy, & it has neither the inclination nor the capacity to meaningfully introspect and bracket those biases. In short, even if this form of "AI" *were* a person, it's for sure not a person i want influencing every single aspect of my daily life. Have a good one.
AI, like people, is a variegated category. For AI, we don't even know what it is, really, since it's such early days. But I do agree that I do not want AI influencing me all the time but that applies to corps generally. I paid Kagi for search for exactly that reason, well before Google added AI.
The thing is, I know lots of people who seem to lack the "inclination[or] the capacity to meaningfully introspect and bracket those biases". I have a client, for example, who fits that, along with some of the other negative characteristics. Still, he is a generally pleasant person who pays on time.
I like, for example, and think it has great potential for helping people who are isolated or need a dispassionate context to vent their ideas, etc. Were you to day, "I think ChatGPT and Gemini are manipulative corporate agents", I would likely agree, though perhaps not about the specifics.
Pi, your personal Hi, I'm Pi. I'm your personal AI, designed to be supportive, smart, and there for you anytime. Ask me for advice, for answers, or let's talk about whatever's on your mind.
I think denigrating AI generally is incorrect generalization. Any of them can be bad, or good. The tech, as far as I can tell, and I am an enthusiastic dilettante, is value neutral. Training data, fine tuning, human feedback, and other stuff matter a lot.