
Three adjacent headlines that say it all.
Oh "a new age of hope" is it Sir Keir? Will this bad thing get better? - No. Will this scrapped thing be fixed/reinstated? - No. Will this underfunded vital service get cash? - No. Will everyone be able to pee in peace - Of course... not.
The juxtaposition of “new dawn breaks” with “there’s no way I will ever do the thing most of you desperately want and need” is bleakly funny
Bleakly funny is exactly it. You want a vision of the future Winston? Imagine a deep resigned hollow laugh forever.
I mean, the EU thing is just such an own goal. Only the Brexit headbangers don’t want much closer ties with the EU. Announcing a move to SM/CU would be a major positive step.
Saying it on THE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION really feels like grinding his boot in the face of the grateful British electorate
This is all "we told you what you were voting for, you did it anyway, fuck you if you try to complain"
I guess ‘we’ll never rejoin the EU’ is British for ‘rich people, don’t worry—we will not raise your taxes.’
More like "rich people don't worry about your money laundering"
Personally, if I was Labour, I’d have been noisily saying, since 2016, that the Brexit vote was going to mess up Britain and then at least it’d have credibility when Brexit was the disaster it was always going to be
If they govern as Keith now says, this election will be such a disillusionment for a lot of the labor voters..
Nooo. What he means is "You'll all hope it'll get better"