
June 30 is Asteroid Day to raise awareness of opportunities & risks posed by asteroids, their role in the formation of our solar system, their impact in space resources & importance of protecting Earth from impact. 🧪🐡🎢🔭 June 30, 1908 an approximately 12-megaton explosion that occurred near the 🧵1/n
is there any visual evidence left from the tunguska blast like has the forest grown back in any different patterns or something
It’s actually still a subject of research and debate. The most popular hypothesis is that it was an asteroid which either exploded in or bounced off the atmosphere. So there’s no major crater but some researchers believe there are smaller craters from fragments. So argue damage to trees and
isotopes analysis is consistent with debris (proportions of things like nickel, iron, silicate, magnetite and iridium) from an extraterrestrial body. But not all authors agree. So maybe. It’s a very hard place to reach and study and it’s not straightforward.