
Reform UK may well become a force once Farage becomes an MP but I can’t help thinking it’s a bit similar to the predictions in 2019 that Johnson would be PM into the 2030s. It’s in their nature. It won’t happen.
Even if they do get all 13 MPs, there is no way that will continue into 2029 with all the inevitable in-fighting. Farage has a habit of pissing off nearly everyone he has worked with. He's a useful idiot. This is the peak of Reform...
Once their followers realise they are nothing more than a third of the votes of the f--king Lib Dems and less than a tenth of the hugely-damaged Tories, they're finished. That's it. Yes, the media will fawn over the 'character' of Farage, but he has nothing to offer.
It's like when the music press declared Babylon Zoo to be 'the future of music' in 1996. I'm a Green Party voter and the way Reform is strutting about like the cock of the walk is utterly embarrassing.
Exactly. Rats in a sack and the sack will depart.
This sounds like I am making it up, but my uncle knows Nigel's father, Guy Farage. My mother was in the same class as the frog-faced Brexiteering Putin-licking picowit's now-stepmother. Guy uses a word to describe his son, Nigel...
...In my 49 years, it's the first time I've heard my polite uncle quote the C-word.