
I'd like Cheetos to become my writing sponsor. =) or maybe Twizzlers licorice. =) #amwriting #amediting How about you? Do you have a favorite writing snack while writing? Or writing treat when you finish writing? ... Be Writing. #writing #author
I don't know about snacks, but I'd sure like a fitness company to have me trial their exercise equipment designed to be used while working at or in place of a desk. Desk bike or treadmill, anyone?
I think that would be cool too. I have recorded chapters while on a walk/hike and while at the gym on a treadmill with earphones in. =) I re-listen and then transcribe. A desk regular sized elliptical would be cool.
Coffee when I write. Red wine at nite. (BTW, Red Vines are better than Twizzlers. 😉)
Agree on Red Vines. =) I also went on an Australian licorice binge for a little bit. =) I'll also promise myself ice cream or a binge on some saved tv episodes if I finish a chapter. =)
All excellent ideas. BTW, McConnell’s Double Peanut Butter Chip is the best ice cream ever.