
Spouse lacks my level of wanderlust. I suggested a two-week itinerary in September: Spain (Madrid-Seville-Granada). She needs more time, so it's tentatively fall 2025. Settled on Washington DC for a week. Since I have use-it-or-lose-it vacation, I have a couple of weeks to use on a solo trip...
Past trips have been in various parts of the US and involved geocaching. Examples: 1) Michigan's upper peninsula 2) Four corners area (Moab, Mesa Verde, Navajo Nation NP) 3) Kansas-Colorado (oldest active geocache) 4) Canadian Maritime provinces (NS, PEI, NB)
Last year was #Iceland with a stopover in #Prague for geocaching. Great trip, lots of geocaches found, though I hit some ice storms in Iceland. I was thinking I could go back to Iceland and visit the East/North that I missed before. Or Portugal.
(Forgot to attach photos of the aforementioned areas)
Or a place TBD. I am generally looking for interesting places to visit/geocache (ideally without a lot of people) and, optionally, bring my ham radio for #POTA (parks on the air).
And, yeah, I realize I'm pretty much mumbling into the #void because I have virtually no interaction with people here on bsky and am too #old to effectively hashtag, so in absence of a random comment, am primarily #talking with myself.
Tentative Iceland itinerary: would start near Jökulsárlón and continue highway 1 to Lake Mývatn as a base to explore for a few days including #Dettifoss (in the opening scene of #Prometheus), #Dimmuborgir (which looks surreal) and Hverir. Could also work in Snæfellsnes.
Have done only light #Portgual itinerary, but it would include #Porto, Peneda-Geres NP, Coimbra, #Lisbon, Setúbal Peninsula. Or a place TBD.
#Prague was my first foray into central Europe. Began with the #TasteOfPrague food tour (highly recommended). České Švýcarsko was fantastic. Learning a few Czech phrases was helpful (and naturally having #RBF stoic expression). If I returned to Czechia, I'd like to explore Brno.