
Oh hey! The ebook of my BSFA, Nebula, Locus, Crawford, and Nommo award nominated novel is on sale for just $2.99. Grab it if you like a spicy, character-driven, postcolonial, anticapitalist, African fantasy heist adventure with gods, magic and monsters.😉📗🌍
A mythic tale of disgruntled gods, revenge, & a heist across two worlds, SHIGIDI AND THE BRASS HEAD OF OBALFUON by is ideal for fans of Nnedi Okorafor, Neil Gaiman, Marlon James, & Karen Lord. Snag it in ebook this month for only $2.99.
Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon - Astra Publishing A Washington Post top 10 best science fiction and fantasy book of 2023 “A heist caper with sex, violence, and superpowers popping off every technicolor page.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Defi...
Ok, purchased some for random giveaway
My annoyance at the fact that your give-always are US-only is greatly tempered by the fact that a) it’s still a really terrific thing to do for others, and 2) I almost always already have a copy of the books you give out, so I still get to feel like one of the cool kids. 😄👍
It's not Sean's fault, amazon only allows gifting in certain regions, and both buyer and receiver must be in the same region. He does do UK ones too sometimes afaik. I'm not in the US or UK either, I just think his giveaways are really neat and I'm chuffed when I can point him to a good sale 😊
As noted above I wasn’t seriously suggesting any sort of criticism of Sean or the practice. It was intended to be a humorous mock complaint, but as is well known, the failure mode of clever is jerk. 🤷🏽 mea culpa.
Amazon only allows *purchasing* of ebooks on a regional basis, which is required by publisher contracts.
Oh definitely. But gifting is also restricted to certain marketplaces only, I think. I've used ebook gifting for international secret santa exchanges before, and it isn't available everywhere.
Buying and Gifting eBooks for
I occasionally give out UK/IE books, but they hardly get taken -- I've posted 5 links, and they've not been claimed for a week or more. I'm limited to territories where I have a credit card, which is currently the US and Ireland.
Oh dang, I’m sorry if that came across as in any way a genuine criticism. I realize it’s a limitation of the system, I was trying to make a mock complaint that I could counterbalance and it obviously fell flat. My bad.
You did nothing bad, and I didn't think you were being mean, angry, obnoxious, assholish, etc. :)
I’m surprised to hear that they don’t get snagged in the UK, though. That’s really weird.
Yeah, it's always odd to see when the US links seem to go so quicky. Maybe everyone is too polite and leaving them for others? :P
Most of the people who read my posts aren't in the UK, I guess.
Just bought it! Thanks so much; I’m almost done with the MaddAddam Trilogy, so I’ll be starting it very soon.
Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy it immensely!