Definitely Andy Raff

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Definitely Andy Raff

(He/Him). Roleplaying stuff. Lefty. Thoroughly enjoyed 4e D&D. The Fog is one of the best horror movies ever made. Can't get enough Forged in the Dark and random indie #ttrpg. Also can't be making up a new profile at my time of life.
Do you find huge ttRPG books daunting? Do you like scribbling on your own hands? Would you like to play a disembodied hand, scuttling around a creepy circus, solving crime? Of course you do!!
A Show of Hands- tabletop Disembodied sentient hands, scurrying around a creepy circus, solving crime! Can be played with nothing more than your hands and a pen!
Have you ever wanted to be Rorschach? No? Good good, that's the right answer. But what if you did? What if you could click things and there would be words and pictures? What then?
You Are Rorschach by A text adventure set in the world of Watchmen (unofficial). Play in your browser
Trump mixes-up his words, rambles & gets confused all the time. It doesn't matter because his voters don't care. They don't support him because he's rational or competent, they support him because he's cruel, upsets people they dislike, & makes them feel powerful.
(Thread) Spotted on market day in small city Aotearoa New Zealand: Food truck queue: A young human (11/12?) walks up to a girl a foot taller than him. Asks her out. Pure old school. She, pauses, says yeah. He says okay, nods seriously. Adults nearby poker faced, radiating maximum respect. (1)
Just seen the announcement for my upcoming Warhammer offering, a, Age of Sigmar novella "On the Shoulders of Giants", which is bundled with a selection of other Warhammer stories.
I need a little button I can click on sites that automatically recalculates the review rating after discounting all negative reviews that use the word "woke" because such reviews are no use to me. Come on boffins! Get working!
three lost astronauts
The Boss is making some text flash on a screen and it is super exciting. Apparently though *I* am a monster for suggesting we could make *more* of things flash, in different colours, for different kinds of information.
Read this a wee while ago, and while I may not be the target audience as such, I very much enjoyed it and its sequel for all sorts of reasons not leach the subversion of the familiar "magic school" furniture that takes place.
Happy Summer, UK readers! ⛱️ For 99p, you can get a fresh new e-book of A DEADLY EDUCATION, delivered poolside if you like! 🍹 To snag a copy at this price for your self or to gift a friend, visit:
New platform, new recommend. Read "The Private Life of Elder Things" by Adrian Tchaikovsky, Adam Gauntlett, and Keris McDonald. 11 stories, not one dud. "Pitter Patter", "New Build", "Moving Targets", and "The Play's the Thing" are especially worth the time it takes to read them. #RaffRecommends
If you can see this... yadda yadda... picture... blah... no explanation.
If you see this, I would encourage you to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
This is a subtweet about Frankenstein because I don't want to be a dick, but I also want some facts out there. 1. Most novels at the time were anonymous. We can't make definite judgements about why Mary Shelley's name wasn't on it. It was common practice. The novel was barely respectable. 1/?
Taken a walk out to think about how best to describe some tragic destruction. Listening to a podcast, and instead of thinking about magic fire, I'm bring annoyed about how US people pronounce Kansas and Arkansas differently.
A load of Runequest for £15 is a steal, especially as I know a couple authors wot wrote stuff for some of them, but downloading this many files from DTRPG at one time is taxing my tech skills to the limit because I am useless.
Humble RPG Bundle: RuneQuest by Chaosium, Discover the beloved TTRP RuneQuest with this bundle, packed with everything you need for endless adventure in Glorantha! Your purchase helps support
green glass lighthouse beside an arid sea
Jon opened the door. It was Rab. As usual. "Just thought I'd #apprise you of the situation vis-a-vis the plaza," he said, a little stiffly. "Oh aye? How's it going?" "Packed with zom-ah, the ambulatory deceased." Rab stumbled over the Z-word every time. "Same as yesterday then aye?" "Aye." 1/2
I've been doing some research (scrolling Bluesky) and have come to the conclusion that cat pi tures are better than dig pictures because cats have a range of different facial expressions while every dog's face is just some minor variant of "Durrr I'm a doofus". Science!
"I'm not introverted," he said, not looking at her directly. "Its just that I have to be at my window playing the violin all night or the dark between the stars will spill through and devour the entire world." "Ha!" she said slapping him on the back. "Classic #introvert" #vss365
This one, more than most, makes me feel old. When The Wasp Factory came out I’d just started on Fleet Street and Iain was still working round the corner on Chancery Lane. I can still remember the fuss when it came out.
‘An explosion of talent’: Iain Banks’s The Wasp Factory at As a new anniversary edition of the late author’s landmark debut is published, high profile fans reflect on an extraordinary career
Out of an abundance of love for my spouse I have consented to watch one (1) episode of a television show he promises “is not as bad as the Newsroom except for one scene” & it’s honestly incredible, like in the manner of a nature documentary, the degree to which Steven Moffatt cannot write women
...And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Liz Truss! PORK MARKETS!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Wholesome d6 market encounters. A little highlight of my weekend.
(Thread) Things spotted on market day in a small city Aotearoa New Zealand: A teenager in a hoodie and tracksuit pants, holding a head of broccoli like a bunch of flowers out to his mum saying "Happy birthday". She clutches her chest in mock surprise before breaking into laughter. (1)
Look, I don't want to piss on people's chips, but the lesson the parties take away from this election won't be "we shouldn't be massive lying cunts" it'll be "we need to be more racist".
Hollows. Fun. But brings out the worst in some of my dearest and oldest friends. Tailor defeated but only just after a serious slog; pig-vicar blatted quite conclusively in about three rounds. Only the bishop himself to go now!
So its the same old story. Child lives in house spends all night in cold sweat terrified of thing can't quite see that he knows is watching him from the corner and wants to "get" him and then he moves out but grows up obsessed with what "it" was and does all kinds of 1/-